I am NOT an arborist, and I know very little about the true science here but I LOVE a good metaphor. I love a way to connect with someone and make something resonate. So here we go, let's chat! 

Do you know why the trees lose their leaves? Why does it happen in the fall? I am going to be "that" person and when I get to heaven God is just going to want to send me back because I have a lot of questions. I have a lot of faith but I have a lot of questions. It is a good thing He gave us people to do the research on some of this so I don't have QUITE as many questions. But I digress, back to the question, why do trees lose their leaves?

It actually helps the tree stay warm and healthy through the winter months. If a tree had its leaves, the leaves would hold ice and snow. It would then weigh too much for the tree and the limbs would break. (If you have ever wintered in South Texas you get this.) In South Texas you don't get the right mixture of fall weather so the trees don't lose their leaves so when they do get ice and snow there are tree limbs EVERYWHERE! 

So point #1 is simple; Trees lose their leaves so they can stay healthy through winter. 

Here is where we get to the God is really cool part. The leaves fall to the ground and decompose to fertilize the soil at the base of the tree and make it stronger. Hello SUPER COOL point #2. 

Now wait, God isn't done yet! Super Cool point #3 Since the tree lost its leaves, they decomposed, the tree comes back STRONGER in the spring!!! 

You catchin' what I am putting down? 

I'm about to sum this bad boy up and BLOW your mind!! 

During the Fall we have to let go of some things, we have to let some things go. When we do that we are allowing those things ro decompose and make our roots stronger AND we are allowing for future growth. We are making room for what is to come in the Spring! I don't know about you but I want to be ready when Spring comes. I don't want to struggle through winter bearing the weight of things I should have let go of. I want to survive the winter and THRIVE in the spring! 

What do you need to let go of this season? What needs to go ahead and fall to the ground so that you can thrive?? You are designed to THRIVE!!! Not this barely making it by thing but THRIVE!!!! Let's do it!!!