Growth Mindset

I'm going to preface this by saying that growth is hard, change is hard, doing uncomfortable things is hard. But that is why it is necessary.

I was reading today in the new testament about Jesus meeting His apostles. He says "follow me". Jesus never said "take a nap and then follow me" or "finish what you are doing and then let's go" He simply says "follow me." I don't know about you but that kind of faith is insane! He says, "Let's go" and then left their jobs, friends, and family and they followed His plan for them.

I feel like when God asks me to do simple things, sending a motivational text, reaching out to someone, or random acts of kindness, I get overwhelmed and freeze and don't always act on it. Afterward I always find myself thinking, what if I did? What if I listened?

The disciples listened with no hesitation and they literally changed the world. So what if we listened with no hesitation or second guessing? What if we just followed? What could we accomplish? What could we do? Who could we impact?

Now I just confused some of you but I am going to circle back. We are literally called to growth, we are called to follow and to come closer to God in all things we do. You cannot be stuck in one place and following Jesus. You have to be moving on and moving forward. What are you moving on and forward to this week? How are you putting down your nets and following the one who is calling you.