Shoulder People

We are raised in a world where we are being watched 24/7, someone is always checking up on us and seeing what we are doing right and wrong. For some people that is all fine and dandy and for others it can cause a lifetime of struggle. The more people are looking at us, the more we struggle. I would love to study out the break down of “latch key” kids who are now adults and children who constantly had parents around, to see who struggles with anxiety now. I was watched, always, there was always multiple people standing at my shoulder to give their opinion on what I was doing. It is all well and good! Seriously, no harm! As an adult every single thing I do, I wonder what the “person” at my shoulder is thinking and how they will respond. Fun fact, there is no one at my shoulder anymore. But I think there is. So every little thing I do I am constantly thinking about what my non-existent shoulder person is thinking. Ate a donut, what does the shoulder person think? Didn’t drink all my water, the shoulder guy is laughing. THAT is having anxiety!

People are frequently shocked when I say that I struggle with anxiety. “You hide it so well!” “You are always so perky.” Mind over matter is real. I know the truth, I know there is not someone looking at me. I know that no one actually cares that my child wears the same shirt twice in 1 week. I know that! I know that I am blessed and highly favored. I know that I am a child of God and that He is big and amazing plans for me. However, there is a part of my mind that sometimes forgets all those things.

I wish I had some magical cure. Some words to say or a scripture to give you that tells you exactly how to embrace all those things. They don’t exist. I can tell you that you are loved. I can tell you that you are not alone. Get in your bible, not as a “to-do” list item but as something you want to do. Put down your phone, set some digital timers. Your house doesn’t have to be Pinterest worthy and your kids don’t have to be perfect. YOU are doing amazing and great things. I am going to give you a little nugget that I am working on every single day and that I want to encourage you to think about.

The shoulder people? They don’t exist! That is the voice of the devil in your life and he can just SHUT UP! Seriously, when the shoulder people start talking, you can totally audibly say “SHUT UP”. Tell the devil to shut the front door on his way out because you don’t have time for that non-sense!! Why do I keep using exclamation points?? Because you need to know!! Tell him with some force to get the hell-o off your shoulder and go AWAY!

I am going to close this post by reminding you that I love you. Each and every one of you, yes even the ones I have never met. I love you because God says to love ALL people and that is my mission every single day. So from one superhero to another, keep crushing it! And tell the shoulder people to shut up.